Wednesday, April 04, 2018

I Need to Be More PC AF

It has come to my attention today that I can be very insulting with facts, I'm too harshly truthful. I'm told I need to hold back on stating the painfully obvious and be less ebrassive with my words. I admit I can't compromise my values in the truth, like everyone has values that can't and will never be compromised. I'm a Stevens, we put the "St" in stubborn, I know way more and too well than I'd like to know about stubborness. I'm willing to concede to the fact that I could strive to be less severe with my factualness and a little more politically correct with my personality terminology. Like instead of striking one with the name "finicky", I can congenially say that one is an "Exclusively Selective American." Instead of barking at a nut job that they're a "psychotically rabbid Neanderthal", I could politely call one instead a "Mentally Imbalanced Evolutionarily Underdeveloped American." There, isn't that much nicer and PC AF enough? 😊

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